The first time the SPIRITS of St. Petersburg went to Rose Cemetery in Tarpon Springs was in February 2004. We arrived at about 4 PM and left after sunset, around 6:30 to 7 PM. The weather was moderate at 70 degrees. Once we arrived, our head sensitive at the time felt pulled toward a certain area of the cemetery. She sensed a very strong female presence and the word "Sister". We followed her lead and she did take us to an area where we found a tombstone engraved with the title, "sister" and a name. We did get EMF. On the way out of the cemetery, which closes at sunset (we stayed just a short time after sunset) I took my film camera loaded with 400 speed black and white film and stuck it over the wall. I snapped a photo and when the film developed, I got the image above. The original reports and page were one of 7 that corrupted when the website was archived. The event took place so long ago that only the image and one vague report remained of the investigation.
In 2017, two of the SPIRITS investigators started to do a new bit of research on the area. The drawing above is what one woman saw when she looked at the photograph. She envisioned a middle-aged African American woman who was curious as to what we were doing. She wondered if the clothing might be a tie to the Bahamas. (Drawing by DB).
Here are the preliminary reports by two of the investigators who started to research the area:
Rose Hill Cemetery, 181 N Jasmine Avenue Tarpon Springs, Florida
4.63 acres; search Pinellas County Property Records as 0 Jasmine Avenue [1] Plat Book/Page D-G/800
Weather in Tarpon Springs, Saturday December 2, 2017: Precipitation0%, humidity 76%, temperature 76f. Winds 7mph.
Rose Hill Cemetery is nominated to the National Register of Historic Places for local significance under Criterion A in the areas of Ethnic Heritage/Black and Social History, for its association with racial segregation practices, the development of Tarpon Springs' African American community, and as a site at which community members maintained Southern and African American burial practices. The period of significance ranges from 1904 to 1967. The earliest recorded burial dates to 1904, but it was believed to have been used by black community members to bury their dead since the 1870s. Originally known as Rose Hill, the property was owned by the Lake Butler Villa Company and was located east of the white cemetery, Cycadia. As a result of local and county segregationist policies that sought to bury African Americans separately from other citizens, the Lake Butler Villa Association gave a 99-year lease to the citizens' board that was formed in 1916. In 1917, they deeded the property to the Rose Hill Association. Cultural beliefs from African and southern American traditions are apparent in the east-west orientation of graves, scraping, positioning of couples, chairs and benches, and decorative elements on the graves, such as conch shells and symbols engraved on the markers. Rose Hill Cemetery maintains its historical integrity and has remained in active use by the African American community of Tarpon Springs since its inception. The name Rose Hill Cemetery was changed to Rose cemetery in 1979, with a change in the managing association. [2]
As this site is purported to have a malevolent presence, some preparations were made to err on this side of caution.
1107am Checking in with Brandy on way to site. Parked on West side of dumpster located ¾ way back on site, south fence line that abuts Discovery Play Grounds. There is a sand/lime dust roadway throughout grounds.
1110am Arrive at Rose Hill. Open with circle. Decision to begin in South East corner, moving North along Eastern fence line, and moving in a patterned back and forth (North South) direction while making our way slowly West to the front of the cemetery, which faces Jasmine Avenue.
Equipment: Canon PowerShot SD1300 IS Digital ELPH camera with video and sound capacity, pens and clipboard for notes. Also on investigator persons: Two cell phones, LGK7s, which did not experience battery drain but also were not used during the visit.
Research: It must be noted that another local team has written about how Rose is very unsettled, hostile and aggressive. [3] I submit that particular writer also admits to having sneaked in at night after another investigation close by, as an intruder, not as a respectful visitor during gates-open hours. Based on some of the reports and findings of previous teams, research was done into Bahamian traditions and Obeah, as it could possibly explain some of the unrest. As such, some extraordinary precautions were taken above the usual.
Preparation notes: Kabbalah red string bracelet worn by both investigators, as well as herbal protection oils. Crystal protection amulet. Nassau Shake Music saved to cell phone. Bahamian conch shells and small amount of rum. Sea salt.
Goal: Mapping the cemetery with particular focus on three prominent Bahamian families: Brooks, Dorsett and Reece.
Immediately apparent:
Mapping would take months, if not years; additional data and resources to be explored.
Years of neglect are evident, especially compared to Cycadia across the street. Contact will be made with the board to find out about volunteer opportunities.
It is also apparent that decedents are still remembered by loved ones and friends, as here and there are recent gifts left behind by visitors, but the majority of gifts are sunbleached and broken.
Most gifts were decorative, holiday or meaningful items, seashells, floral arrangements (silk), a Sky Vodka bottle (on a young man’s grave), and other varied mementos. There were however a plastic skull and a Halloween sign strewn about near the dumpster.
While neither investigator at site is prone to undue psychic sensitivity, this writer is sensitive to the aural, environmental, and vibrational pollutions and occasionally feels physical, emotional and vibrational responses to same, nothing was felt at the site today except peacefulness, but also a very human sadness at the neglect.
Video and photos were taken throughout the cemetery, and were reviewed by both investigators afterwards. No anomalies, not even an orb, were visible in any of the media taken. Review of the audio in the video did not reveal anything unusual. Submission for third party review (Brandy) will made for confirmation.
The gift of a Bahamian conch shell brought from a beach on Eleuthera decades ago with a spritz of rum atop it was left at the headstone of Wilburt Brooks, the first African-American to own his own sponge boat. The Brooks, Dorsett and Reece families are of Bahamian lineage. The gifting of a conch shell or rum was deemed best means of honoring this man and his contribution to the sponge community of Tarpon Springs.
1230pm Arrived back at car and closed circle.
1233pm Notified Brandy we were leaving.
As we entered the cemetery, it was a bright mildly warm day with a slight breeze. We pulled further into the cemetery and chose a parking spot as far from graves as we could. As we exited the car we stopped for an investigation opening. We proceeded to the far back east corner to start our investigation. We continued on from one grave to the next, photographing and waiting to either feel something or make contact with a resident of Rose Cemetery. We continued north then west then south. Photographs and small notes continued. We stopped at every veteran we found and thanked them or their service. As we continued through we were also looking for a couple family groupings. The Reese, Dorsett and Brooks families were our main focus as they were the most mentioned in Kress’s research. After locating each family, we paused briefly to get a sense of the surrounding area. In a previous investigation an image was captured on photo of what appeared to be a woman. As we crossed this area we stopped for video of the area in attempt to communicate. We also noticed that almost all the graves here had the people with their feet facing to the east. We located 2 that were facing the west. We also stopped here for a video and communication attempt. We finished our walk through about 1 ½ hours later. Upon completion of the walk through I felt nothing out of the ordinary. In fact, unlike other walk throughs, the feeling of Rose Cemetery was calm and peaceful. I witnessed nothing that seemed out of place or odd. After reviewing the photos and video I also did not notice anything that seemed odd or misplaced. It was in fact a very peaceful visit.
December 30, 2017
Three of us went back to Rose Cemetery. This was an interesting trip. Note the following:
1) From my actual notes of the event: OK, so today's trip to Rose Cemetery started out with a bit of a glitch. We met in a house in New Port Richie before heading out. I had started to develop a headache and opted to take some Advil before we left (I debated on it as I'm headache prone and sometimes they can go away on their own. It wasn't happening this time). So, I ended up climbing into my car. The Advil bottle had rolled to the back seat so I had to partially climb back there (I have a VW Beetle). I got the bottle, pulled out my pills and closed the door. I went into the house to get some water and realized that I didn't have my keys with me. Yes, for the first time in 11 years, I locked my keys in my car. Yes, that great big hulking key chain was sitting in my front seat. And we were getting ready to go. AAA called, keys released, cemetery walk through ensued.
On the way back, I apologized, again, for the car key incident. (There are days when I do feel as if I'm getting old, and this is something that a forgetful professor would do. On the plus side, it does verify that this was a headache setting in. That is a time when I am more likely to have a lapse!) We got back to the house and disembarked. Two of us were left in the car and I think the key discussion had just ended. The person in the backseat, wife to the driver of the car, tried to get out. The door would not budge. We tried the electronic locks latch on my door (push button, push door -- not opening. Push button the other way, push door, not opening). She was pushing her shoulder into it in case the door was stuck. I tried it from the outside. This door would not open. Finally, she climbed out over the equipment on the other side of the car. Got car owner came out and we told him about the door. He was able to open it, get in, close it and re-open it just fine. I did ask if the door had done that before (no) but it could also be a glitch.
This could all be nothing. It might have just been a glitch. However, the timing was incredibly odd. I'll check in, again, to see if they had any other trouble with the car door! (I have, happily, not locked my keys in the car again, though!)
2) Breath: Toward the end of the investigation I went to get a picture of the Rose Cemetery historical marker. As I stood there I realized that there was a steam showing up in my field of vision. I could see my breath. It lasted for maybe 20 seconds and was present for 3 exhales before it stopped. I tried, repeatedly, to capture my breath on camera (I've done it before as a "test" and it's usually pretty cool).The issue: They weren't three breaths in a row. The other issue: No one else saw my breath, their own, or could get a mist to form from their breath. The third issue: I couldn't get it to happen again in other parts of the cemetery (facing the same direction in case it was a lighting issue). The natural elements that might debunk this as anything more than an oddity: It was 56 - 58 degrees outside according to the thermometer. Sunset happened at 5:49 (and it was just after sunset, around 5:55 here). In Florida, breath condenses in the 50s. My group rejected my premise that I really AM a dragon lady (might as well stick to my reputation, right?) I took 5 shots in a row trying to get this to happen. I had no luck at all capturing a breath mist on film. I could not visually see one after the first three. I like this one (only one where I got my mouth). ;)
3) I did discover that cell phones, even with powered off, do interrupt Boy scout compasses. It means that there is a magnet (or some sort of EMF) present to disrupt the compass setting. The likely culprit is the speakers within the phone. However, it does reinforce policy to leave cell phones packed away during investigations.
4) I attempted to utilize my Nikon B500 digital camera to replicate the image from before (see image at the top of the page from 2004). I set it in the same location and as close to the angle that it had been in 2004. I took five shots. The fifth and final shot returned an orb image. Orbs are a problem for me. Granted, this camera had produced no orbs the entire night on any of the images, but the possibility of an orb being a natural object (dust, pollen, pollution) is also pretty great.